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Eating eggs and type 2 diabetes One randomized study of people with metabolic syndrome showed that those who consumed three eggs per day resulted in favorable changes in HDL-cholesterol and insulin sensitivity. Controlled weight loss in people with type 2 diabetes has been diagnosed. Fat and glucose improvements after consuming 2 eggs per day for 12 weeks. Egg-based breakfasts are rich in protein (35% energy; P=0.01). 26.1 grams of egg protein) will help promote blood sugar control in people with type 2 diabetes. Eating eggs and obesity Obesity is a health problem caused by many factors and complex. The current advice for weight management is to promote physical activity along with the consumption of a healthy diet. This includes whole grains, fruits, vegetables, protein, and low-fat or fat-free dairy products. Also, consume high-quality protein from eggs that affect satiety. At the same time, it also has the effect of losing weight. in adults who are overweight Comparison between those who prefer to eat bagels and eggs for breakfast showed that those who consumed eggs felt energetic. There was a 61% decrease in body mass index and a 65% weight loss in a 3-month trial among subjects with type 2 diabetes. Those who consumed 2 eggs per day for 6 days per week reported hunger. were reduced and felt full faster than those who consumed less than 2 eggs per week

How to eat “eggs” to get the most benefit?

one large eggs With 13 essential vitamins and minerals and 70 calories of high-quality protein. It can play a role in weight management. Muscle strength quality pregnancy brain function, eye health , and much more. high blood pressure patients hyperlipidemia patients and the elderly Be especially careful about egg consumption. And should consume 3-4 eggs