How to risk it to get money with the best Sicbo formula

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How to take risks and get money with the best Sicbo formula . After all, playing Sicbo and Sicbo has almost no fundamental difference. Just the form of betting of Sicbo is more easy to find at online casinos, but would it be better if we know how or have a formula to play with? Even if it doesn’t help us win 100%, it’s at least better than just playing with fortune tellers. And today, let’s go see what the gambler he plays in Sicbo , what formula does he use? How to risk getting money

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What is the Sicbo formula ?

For playing Sicbo , as I said, whoever has the basics of playing Sicbo can play this game without difficulty. The difference is just that we can bet in many ways, including high-low, even-odd, total bet, triple bet, specific tong bet, double bet, mixed double and many others, which have a pay rate that is considered quite high But do not forget that the more you pay, the more you risk. So how do you risk getting money? Can it choose the level of risk? Let’s go see.

 Low Risk Sicbo Formula

It can be considered as a formula that gives you more chances to win. Although the pay rate is a bit low But if we win in a row, there is a chance that we will win the prize money from online casino Go back more than the medium or high risk ones again. By the way of betting, we will mainly focus on odd-odd and high-low bets because it has a chance of losing up to 48%, while the remaining 4% will go to three points. (Same points for all 3 balls), which the low-risk formula is divided into 2 formulas:

Even-odd betting formula

We will have the following betting principles:

  1. If the result of the final prize draw is high or large, the next turn will bet on a pair.
  2. If the result of the latest prize draw comes out as low or small, the next round will be odd.

In addition, it is recommended that you use the Martingale walking formula. Also known as the 5-wood compound formula, to help reduce the risk of losing a lot of money as well.

High-low bet formula

This formula will use the method to look at the output, big (Big), small (Small), which we will have to wait for a good time. Which the format of the card to use is BBSB, then place bets according to the SBSBS steps. The first thing we will need to look at when entering the Sicbo room is to see if the last 4 results come out as BBSB or not. If yes Then start placing S bets in the next turn according to the formula.

  • If winning from the first eye to stab to be considered the end of the round Stop stabbing and wait for a new stroke or move the playing room.
  • If losing, continue betting according to the formula. Together with using the Martingale formula until you win, if you win, then the round ends immediately.

For this formula, our goal is to take only 1 unit of profit for each entry round. Let’s say we aim for 10 rounds of profit, 100 per round, one day we will be around 1,000.


Sicbo Formula Medium Risk

The level of challenge in playing Sicbo here will be a little more by betting on specific numbers from 1-6 to any number. The payout rate will be at 1:1. But the special it will be that the payout rate will increase if the next dice come out of the same number. It will pay 2 : 1 the same 3 balls. The payout rate is 3. 1 except online casinos Some owners may pay as much as 12 : 1 if all 3 of the dice are on the same face. The formula that we will use is

Formula 5 Rum 1

Many people may think that betting on specific 6 numbers will help to have more chances to win. It’s true, but it’s definitely not worth it. Therefore, we will use only 5 numbers to bet on. Let’s say we bet 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6, leaving 5 behind.

  • If all three dice come out on different faces as we bet, we get 1 unit of profit.
  • If two duplicate dice We won’t be wasted is equal to capital
  • If all three dice are on the same face will only get the capital back But there may be some that pay as much as 12 : 1, this one we will have a profit of 9 units.

Although this formula is a bit less profitable. There is still a chance to lose and win half by half. But if we use the Fibonacci formula, which is a fixed money formula, comes to the rescue. It will give the opportunity to make more profits. And if anyone has enough capital, they may use the Martingale formula to help reduce the risk as well.

High Risk Sicbo Formula

Anyone who is familiar with the field or is skilled in playing Sicbo and likes to take heavy risks personally can use this method to play. In which we will place bets on only 4 numbers, all 4 numbers must be paired again. Compared to the payout ratio of 6 : 1, it is considered very worthwhile to risk it. for placing bets Suppose we choose to bet on 2, 3, 5 and 6, we will need to bring all 4 numbers to arrange 6 pairs of sets, namely 2-3, 2-5, 2-6, 3-5, 3-6 and 5-6. which will lead us to the following events

  • If winning 2 pairs, it means that we guessed correctly 3 numbers. When placing a bet of 150 baht, you will get a profit of 150 baht.
  • If only one pair wins We will only get the capital back.

In order to use this formula, I would like to reiterate that it is very risky to lose money all at once. But it’s also the only way to make profits as quickly as possible. It depends on who likes what kind. Let’s choose to play according to the level of risk that we can accept.